No of 30 min lessons | 1 lessons | 3 lessons | 6 lessons |
Expert Instructor | $150 | $300 | $550 |
Athlete Instructor | $90 | $225 | $400 |
Instructor | $50 | $120 | $200 |
No of 30 min lessons | 1 lessons | 3 lessons | 6 lessons |
Expert Instructor | $120 | $270 | $500 |
Athlete Instructor | $65 | $190 | $370 |
Instructor | $35 | $95 | $170 |
2 hour | 4 hour | 8 hour | |
Workshop 1: Swimming Workshop Beginner (no experience) | $250 | $300 | $350 |
Workshop 2: Swim Instruction Intermediate (able to swim 2 lengths of a pool) | $400 | $500 | $600 |
Workshop 3: Swim Training Workshop Advanced (able to swim 400 meters and familiar with all 4 strokes) | $700 | $900 | $1100 |
2 hour | 4 hour | 8 hour | |
Workshop 1: Swimming Instructor (new to teaching) | $300 | $500 | $900 |
Workshop 2: Athletic Instructor (2 or more years of teaching) | $450 | $550 | $650 |
Workshop 3: Expert Instructor (5 or more years of teaching) | $800 | $1000 | $1200 |
*Client shall reimburse BKB by Rip Current Sports all ancillary fees such as travel, entrance, and parking fees.